Friday, July 29, 2011

Last night in 131

As I sit here in my apartment for the last night my mind is flooded with memories. So many things have happened at this apartment that I will never forget. The game nights, movie nights and roommate hangouts...ah the memories that linger. I will never forget apartment 131 and all the great times we had. We were definitely a family and I feel blessed to have lived here this past year. I want to say thank you to my roomies for a great year and I thank God for the year we shared together in apartment 131. I'm sad to leave this place but the memories will be there forever. This chapter is coming to a close and a new chapter is about to begin. I don't know where God is taking me or what he has in store for me but I am going to stand strong and look forward with a positive attitude because God is in control. It may not be easy but it will be worth it in the end. So for now I say good bye to 131 and hello to 424.

Monday, May 30, 2011


It is hard not to listen to that voice inside your head sometimes. I know it's not God speaking to me but for some reason I listen anyway. After a while it becomes so believable that you think it's the truth. Little by little the voice will seep through and pull you down until you have to uncover a big mess to come back up. We need to remember that just because this voice is speaking to us doesn't mean that God is not. God is still right there speaking to us every day and we need to be listening for His voice daily. It's hard to find God's voice when all you have been listening to for so long are lies. Our God is the God of truth and He wants to share that truth with us every day if we will take the time to listen. We can't let ourselves get caught up in the lies because it will only blind us from the truth, the truth that will bring us freedom, peace, comfort, direction, and many other great things. So start listening for God and ignoring the lies you have been hearing for so long and you will start to notice a great change in your life. Weights will be lifted and spirits will be higher if you just stop and listen for God. He is right there waiting for you.

Peace and Blessings,

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I sometimes feel like i'm slowly losing you, like you are being taken away from me. I know in my mind that it's not true but my heart doesn't always know that. I wish my mind and my heart could be on the same page sometimes. Things are going to change soon and it hurts my heart to think about it. I have yet to find full peace with it all. I wish I could talk to you about it because I still don't fully understand things. This summer is definitely a time of transition, a transition from the old to the new. I feel like there is a part of me that is going from this little girl to this now more grown up girl. I don't know if i'm quite ready to grow up but I know that it is time in many areas of my life. I have relyed on others for too long and it's time for me to start flying on my own. It will be hard at first but adjustment will come, and with that adjustment will come blessings. I know that God has a plan for me but I wish I knew what that plan was because right now I feel like things are slipping away from me. I know that my life is in need of a change in many ways but being able to adjust to the change is never an easy thing. It takes time and a lot of prayer to be at peace with the change and to see the blessings that can come from it. God brings change into our lives for a reason and many times it's to teach us something and to grow us in our faith and trust in Him. He wants us to lean on Him when we are going through a difficult change in our lives. We need to cling on to the hope that God works for the good of those who love him. We may not see the good work that God is doing when we are right in the middle of things but we need to remind ourselves of his promises every day. I don't know where this change is going to take me but i'm going to do my best to embrace it with a positive attitude. I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and I plan on reminding myself that every day. It may not be easy and many feelings my be felt through all of this but with Chist by my side, great blessing are to come. God has many blessing in store for all and He want to give them to you if you will surrender all and trust in Him.

Peace and Blessings,

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Blog

So I know that I need to post on my blog more often but whenever i get around to doing it I never know what to write about. I had a vision for my blog but I don't really feel that it has been what I have wanted it to be. I have been thinking a lot about what i want my blog to be and i think I might change it up a bit. I'm not sure exactly where i'm going with this but I am really thinking about it. I don't really have much else to say right now but i'm sure I will have more to come soon. Hope everyone had a good valentine's day and your day was blessed. Love to all!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jesus poem

J is for jealous, for He is jealous for me.

E is for eternal life, which He has promised me.

S is for servant, which He has called me to be.

U is for His unconditional love that never fails.

S is for salvation, the gift He died to give me.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Here I am

So much has been going on since I last blogged. Some of it I can't even put into words. This semester has been a crazy one for sure. Good at times and not so good at other times. Right now I am sitting in my living room with my wonderful roomies watching a movie which is something I really enjoy doing. Yesterday I went to San Antonio with my mom to go to a Children's Chorus of San Antonio concert and it was really great seeing old friends. Then we stayed at a friends house and that was fun too. We haven't seen them in so long and it was good to catch up with them. I love going to San Antono! I know this is short and probablly kind of boring but I promise to say more another time. Anyways, I have a project due tomorrow and I need to finish it so I will blog again another time.

Monday, November 8, 2010

long time no post

So I know it's been a super long time since i've posted on my blog. I've kind of been at a loss for words when i've wanted to post something. School has been going well for the most part but it's definitely keeping me busy. Chi Alpha has been going really well and it's also been keeping me busy. I've been enjoying my new roommates this year and i'm forming some new friendships as well as strengthening some old ones. It's really been great to see how the Lord has provided at just the right time. I've had several ups and downs this semester but thats normal. One thing i've been working on is turning off my agenda and following God's agenda and that's been kind of hard at times but very rewarding. I have started going to a new church called Promiseland and i've really been enjoying it a lot. It was a hard transition at first but now it almost feels like home. All in all i would say this semeter has been a good one so far and I really can't complain. Even though I have bad days I always know that a good day is just around the corner because of the God's great and wonderful blessings.