Monday, August 16, 2010

Lake trip/end of summer

This past weekend I went to Lake Buchanan with my friends college group from her church. I have been 2 other times so i've gotten to know several of the people in the group. I just love going every summer and I always have a great time. This trip was probablly the best one for me because I felt more like I was a part of the group. I had a great time riding on the boat, swimming, playing games, having good conversation with frinds and riding a jet ski for the first time...yes, I really did ride on a jet ski. Riding on the jet ski was the most adventurous thing i've done all year lol. It was actually kind of fun even though I was freaked out at first. It was nice to be able to get away for a while before school starts. I know this school year is going to be a busy one but definitely a good one. I have a feeling God has a lot of great things in store for me this school year. This summer has been full of ups and downs and i've really been dealing with a lot of stuff. I'm starting to learn that I need to deal with things in my life even if it's hard because if I don't things end up building up until I have a huge break down. I have a tendency to push things aside instead of dealing with them like I should. This summer has been good for the most part but I have had some hard times. I have learned a lot about myself this summer and some of it has been really hard to deal with but thanks to God and some really good friends I have been able to slowly start dealing with it.

I move into my new apartment on Thursday and i'm really excited. I have really missed everyone back at school and I can't wait to see them. I also can't wait for Chi Alpha to get started. I am soo ready to be back in San Marcos but I have a lot of packing to do before I leave on Thurday. I am really trying not to take too much stuff with me to school this year because I usually end up taking way to much stuff that I don't even need. I have a feeling i'll end up with way too much stuff but whatever. God has blessed me with some really great roommates this year and i'm looking forward to living with them. I know that we are going to have a lot of fun together. I have just a few more days at home before I move back to San Marcos and even though being in Brenham has been a bit boring this summer I am going to miss being at home with my mom. It's been nice being able to spend time with her this summer. As this blog post comes to an end, my summer is just about to come to an end as well. The next few days will be busy with getting packed but i'm going to try and enjoy them as much as I can.