Monday, November 8, 2010

long time no post

So I know it's been a super long time since i've posted on my blog. I've kind of been at a loss for words when i've wanted to post something. School has been going well for the most part but it's definitely keeping me busy. Chi Alpha has been going really well and it's also been keeping me busy. I've been enjoying my new roommates this year and i'm forming some new friendships as well as strengthening some old ones. It's really been great to see how the Lord has provided at just the right time. I've had several ups and downs this semester but thats normal. One thing i've been working on is turning off my agenda and following God's agenda and that's been kind of hard at times but very rewarding. I have started going to a new church called Promiseland and i've really been enjoying it a lot. It was a hard transition at first but now it almost feels like home. All in all i would say this semeter has been a good one so far and I really can't complain. Even though I have bad days I always know that a good day is just around the corner because of the God's great and wonderful blessings.