Saturday, January 23, 2010


This semester I'm going to work on being more honest about things. I tend to be too nice sometimes and I think I let people walk all over me. That is not going to happen anymore. If there is a situation that might be hurting my feelings or something and I don't say something about it because I'm being nice then how can the situation change? I think that some people don't realize what they are doing and how it might be affecting someone. I also think that they would appreciate me letting them know what they are doing and how it makes me feel so that they can change things. I think being honest about things like that shows that you are a true friend and that you want to help them change so they don't continue to hurt people without realizing it. Things like this are very hard for people like me that are really super nice but I'm not going to let people walk all over me and get hurt by it. It's time for me to stand up for myself. I am going to seek God's guidance through all of this and only say things when God tells me I should. I am learning to be more in tune with God and to be more bold. If he tells me I need to say something to someone about something then I'm going to say it. I'm tired of getting my feelings hurt and feeling like my friends don't really care about me after hanging out with them, even though I know they love me and care about me. Sometimes their actions don't match with their words. It's time that they know what is going on cause I know they would never want to hurt anybody, especially a friend. I know it's not something that they are doing on purpose but sometimes it happens and they need to know. Part of it could be because I'm kind of the quiet one and maybe there is something I need to do to help change the situation but all I know is that God is in control and he will guide me through this.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Back at school

So I got back to my apartment in San Marcos yesterday. I am really glad to be back and see all my friends but i'm so not ready for classes to start tomorrow. I don't know how i'm going to be able to wake up early for class but somehow i'll do it. When I got back I decided I needed a change so I moved some funiture around in my room so that my room would feel a bit bigger. It feels kind of strange having my bed in a different position but it's nice having more room in my room. I have a feeling this semester is going to be a hard one, and not just with school stuff but i'm going to do my best to make it a really good semester. I need to really strive to do my best in all my classes this semester and not just the bare minimum so I can pass. That has been the hardest thing for me since I have been in college. I just do the bare minimum to get by and pass but thats not always the best I can do. I need to do my best and strive for more than just the bare minimum to get by. One thing I have been lacking in college is motivation. Most of the time I just don't have the motivation for school and doing well in my classes and that is why I don't always do my best. This semester I am going to do all that I can to find that motivation to do my best and make better grades. It's not going to be easy but by the grace of God I will be able to do it and it will be a great semester.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fun with friends

Yeasterday my friends Candice and Amanda came all the way to Brenham to hang out and spend the night at my house. It was so good to see them and get to spend time with them. We had a good time going shopping, going to starbucks, making our own pizza, playing games, and staying up late watching movies. We stayed up till about 3 in the morning watching The Little Rascals, and Everyone's Hero. The one thing that was a big hit was making our own pizza. It was a lot of fun and I had not done that since I was little. After a fun late night we ended up waking up late today. Once we all got up and got ready for the day we went to eat a late lunch at a place in downtown Brenham called must Be Heaven, which is a favorite of mine. It's a good place to go for lunch when you have out of town guest visiting. It's almost like taking a trip back in time to the 1950's. It was really a fun two days with my friends and I was sad to see them leave today but I know I will be seeing them in a week when I go back to San Marcos and I look forward to it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Yesterday evening was one of the best evenings i've had all break. I got to hang out with a friend that I haven't seen in a while and it was nice to just sit and talk with her. I could honestly talk to her for hours and never get tired of her, I love her. Last week was pretty stressful so it was a nice break from all the stress. I feel so blessed to have such awesome friends and I know that God has put each one of them in my life for a reason. I could not ask for better friends. After I got home last night I ended up talking with her for a while online and found out we have a lot in common. We also found out that we feel the same way about certain things. We talked a lot about things and it was like every time one of us said something the other one would say "me too!" It's nice to know that I have someone to talk to that understands exactly what i'm going through and how I feel. It's also nice to know that there is someone that has had some similar experiences as me. After talking with her all I could do is smile and I thought wow God loves me so much that he would put someone like her into my life. It was very comforting and for the first time I feet more at peace with the way I am.