Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hosea by Jillian Edwards

There’s an open road ahead of me.
An empty sea beside me.
Waiting on the sunshine to make me happy,
or the rain to let me brake down and cry out to you and I wonder.
Why do I ever leave you and turn the other way.
You call me out from the desert come home its not to late, its not to late.
Wondering why I’d ever leave you.
Chasing other lovers that don’t compare to you.
By the time I say I’m sorry so you’ve forgotten my mistakes.
And I wonder, Why do I ever leave you and turn the other way.
You call me out from the desert come home its not to late,
its not to late late lately I’ve been wondering where I’m going I’m gone yea.
Late lately I’ve been a listening to your voice so fierce.
Take me out to the desert and speak to me tenderly,
take me out to the desert speak to me tenderly.
Why do I ever leave you.
You call me out from the desert come home.
Its not to late yea its not to late.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Because I Love Her

I made her...She is different...She's unique.
With love I formed her in her mother's womb.
I fashioned her with great joy.
I created her.
Psalm 139:13-16
I love her smile.
I love her ways.
I love to hear her laugh,
And the silly things shy says and does.
She brings me great pleasure.
This is how I made her.
Psalm 139:17
I made her pretty and not beautiful,
Because I knew she would be vain...
I wanted her to search her heart
And learn that it would be Me in her
That would make her beautiful...
And it would be Me in her
That would draw friends to her.
1 Peter 3:3-5
I made her in such a way,
That she would need Me.
I made her a little more lonesome than she would like to be...
Only because I need for her to learn to depend on Me...
I know her heart; I know if I had not made her like this,
She would go her own chosen way
And forget Me...her creator.
Psalm 62:5-8
I have given her many good and happy things...
Because I love her.
Psalm 84:1, Romans 8:32
Because I love her,
I have seen her broken heart...
And the tears she cried alone.
I have cried with her,
And had a broken heart too.
Psalm 56:8
Many times she has stumbled and fallen alone,
Only because she would not hold my hand.
So many lessons she has learned the hard way,
Because she would not listen
To My voice...
Isaiah 53:6
So many times I have set back
And sadly watched her go her merry own way alone;
Only to watch her return to My arms,
Sad and broken
Isaiah 62:2
And now she is mine again...
I made her, and then I bought her...
Because I love her.
Romans 5:8
I have to reshape her and remold her...
To renew herto what I planned her to be.
It has not been easy for her or for Me.
Jeremiah 29:11
I want her to be conformed to My image...
This high goal I have set for her,
Because I love her!!
2 Corinthians 2:14

Almost the end...

So as yall know, I haven't blogged in a while and i'm sure you are getting tired of not seeing any new posts. I have been busy with stuff and I haven't really known what to write about. Right now i'm in the middle of finals and I have two more to go before i'm finished for the semester. To be honest, I kind of don't want to go home this summer. I love my mom and I love spending time with her but I just don't have anything other than her to go home to. I will be taking summer school and I will be working but I don't really have any friends in Brenham. It gets kind of boring sometimes. I kind of wish I could stay here in San Marcos for the summer so I could have some kind of social life. I know that I need to go home this summer but it will be hard to leave San Marcos and all my really close friends. I have one more week here in San Marcos before I move back home and I am going to treasure every moment of it. I am going to do my best to make this a good summer and enjoy it as much as I can.