Tuesday, July 6, 2010


In my last blog post I talked about my trip to Washington DC that was really a lot of fun. Well since that trip I have really been missing all of the friends I made. It was so much fun to hang out with friends every day for about 5 days in a row. Now I am back at home in brenham where I have very few friends and I don't even see them that often. It's been kind of hard to go from such a high back to something that isn't much of a high at all, if you know what I mean. I became closer friends with one of my friends on the trip. We became so close that we are like sisters. It is really awesome! I have been praying for a friend like her for a long time. We have been texting each other every day since the trip and I have been missing her like crazy. The connection I have with her is unlike any connection i've ever had with a friend before and I praise God for bringing her into my life. Tonight has really been the hardest for me. I have been feeling kind of blah and actually want to cry a little bit. It's kind of a bittersweet cry because I feel so blessed and at the same time I miss her and all my other friends so much. I don't think i've ever missed any of my friends before as much as I miss her. This is kind of a strange feeling to be having cause I don't really know if i'm happy or sad. I think i'm just both and it's kind of weird. I'm hoping by tomorrow that this feeling will have gone away and I will be able to focus more on the blessing this has been rather than how much I miss my friends. Friends are a wonderful gift from God but why do they all have to be so far away from me?!?!? It seems like a lot of my really close friends are all so far away from me and I hardly get to see them. I guess thats just a part of life or something. I wish that I could form a special little community with just me and all my close friends and we could just all live together for the rest of our lives. Hmmm thats a thought i've never had before but one to think about lol. Life just doesn't work that way. I really need to learn how to focus on the things that I do have around me and the blessing in my life instead of focusing on what I don't have or wish I had. I am just in a "mood" right now and I know if will soon pass. I don't really know what else to say right now except that I wish I could be somewhere else instead of where I am right now.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean. I don't have a lot of friends in San Antonio. And sometimes I let it get to me. But God reminds me that this is just a season of my life. And that I need to enjoy the times with my friends that I am given, because you never know what tomorrow will bring. Love you!!!
