Wednesday, March 3, 2010

giving it up

Ok so there has been something that has been on my heart off and on since about this time last year. During lent last year I was thinking about what to give up and the first thing I thought of was facebook. I was thinking about it and I just couldn't do it. So i didn't. There were some other times where I was like man I am way too addicted to facebook that I need to give it up and again...I couldn't do it. Off and on I have been feeling like I need to get ride of it for a while so that I can spend more time with God and also more time on homework. Recently it has really been on my heart that I need to give up facebook for a while but i'm just like God, it's not that bad I don't need to give it up. In conversations the past couple of weeks it seems like facebook has been coming up a lot and I end up talking about how I spend too much time on it and I need to get ride of it for a while but I can't do it. I think this might be God's way of saying I need to take a break from it and focus more on Him. Tonight i talked to a good friend and she told me that she has given up facebook until Easter and she encouraged me to do the same. I told her that I would think about it but I wasn't sure if I could do it. Then I came home and it came up in conversation with my roommate and then she thought of giving it up too. We both were nervous about committing to giving up facebook for a month but we decided it was something we both needed to do. This is really going to be hard but I know that with God's strength I will be able to do it. I am hoping to grow closer to God through this time without facebook and to really figure out where my priorities are. AHHHH I can't believe this is really happening but I know that it is something I have needed for a long.


  1. You can do this girl!!! :) It will really help you, I'm sure of it.

  2. Thanks girl :) I know it will be a good thing.
