Friday, June 4, 2010

stuck in a rut and cleaning

This summer has been similar to other summers at home from college. I have been working just about every day and when i'm not working i'm being super lazy. Lately i've been staying up really late and then sleeping in more than I should. I need to get out of that cycle but it's hard when you live in a small town with nothing to do and hardly any friends to hang out with. I guess it will just be the same old thing over and over until I go back to school. Right now my mom and I have been cleaning out our house and getting stuff ready for a much needed garage sale. Boy do we have a lot of junk in our house. I've decided that i'm tired of having so much junk and I just want to get rid of all of it! One question i've asked myself lately is "how do I always end up accumulating so much stuff that I don't even need and then have such a hard time getting rid of it?". I guess it's just part of human nature but I don't know. We really shouldn't get so attached to our stuff so much but as humans sometimes thats hard. We love our stuff lol. In the end when it comes time for judgement day, Jesus isn't going to look at how much stuff we had. None of that is going to matter to Him and another thing, we can't even take the stuff with us anyways so why do we need it. Anyways, i'm doing my best to get rid of as much stuff as I can so I can clean out my life and have a fresh new start. I think it's what I need. Well now it's time to get back to being lazy for now lol.

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